
When you return an item, your refund amount and refund method may vary. Your refund and how your refund is issued may differ based on the condition of the item, how long you've had the item, and how the item was purchased.

Table of Content

  1. Where's My Refund?
  2. How Refunds Are Issued?
  3. Refund Without Return
  4. Partial Refunds or Restocking Fees

1- Where's My Refund?

To check the status of your refund, follow the below steps:

  • Go to Your Orders
  • Next to the relevant order, select View return/refund status.

It can take up to one week for us to receive and process your return. After the return is processed it may take 5 to 7 business days for the refund to show on your payment card statement.

If your refund status is not showing as refunded in Your Account, and the processing time for your payment method has passed, you can contact us for further assistance.

If your refund status shows as refunded in Your Account, and the standard time-frame as mentioned above has passed and you have still not received the refund, please contact your bank for more information.

2- How Refunds Are Issued

ABARCY Global items can take up to one week to reach us once you ship them. Allow up to two business days for us to receive the item in our fulfilment center and process your return. After the return is processed it may take 5 to 7 business days for the refund to show up depending on the refund method you chose. The amount will be refunded in Dirhams (UAE), and is according to the conversion rate at the time the refund was issued.

To see how long it takes for you to receive your refund, please see the table below.

Payment Method Refund Method Refund Time (Once Refund Is Processed)
Credit Card/Debit Card Credit Card/Debit Card 5-7 business days
Cash on Delivery Bank Account 5-7 business days

Note: Once the refund is issued, we are unable to change the refund method.

3- Refund Without Return

Amazon may determine that a refund can be issued without requiring a return. If you are not required to send your item back for a refund, you will be notified by a Customer Service Associate.

4- Partial Refunds or Restocking Fees

If You Return  You'll Receive
Items in original condition past the return window* 80% of the item's price
CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, cassette tapes, or vinyl records that were opened (taken out of its plastic wrap) 50% of the item's price
Items that are damaged, missing parts, not in the original condition, or have obvious signs of use for reasons not due to an ABARCY or seller error Up to 50% of the item's price
Open software or video games for reasons not due to an ABARCY or seller error 0% of the item's price

*For most items the return window is 15 days from delivery date. To check the return window for an item you have ordered, go to Your Orders and click Return or Replace Items.